Besides attracting the heavily involved DeFi users, one of the core focuses of the XBE Hive is to provide a regulatory compliant onramp for FIAT into DeFi and further putting the capital to work. The XBE Hive has partnered with regulatory compliant FIAT partners around the world ensuring the onboarding of capital is compliant, transparent, and with full real-time solvency reports available on chain. The Hive will support USD, EUR, BTC and ETH deposits on launch with more offerings to follow. The Hive will put this capital to work through Convex – who deploys this capital into Curve. This allows the FIAT and DeFi investors to earn: CRV, CVX and XBE. This program is built to complement Convex’s yield and further add value through FIAT into Curve and Convex. Furthermore, to ensure XBE continues to support both and Convex, we will be incentivizing the locking of CRV, cvxCRV and CVX.