XBE Finance
Provide XBE/ETH liquidity

Option 1) Providing liquidity for XBE

Step 1) Navigate to the "XBE & veXBE" tab at the top of the app ​
Step 2) Scroll down to the "Provide Liquidity" tab.
Step 3) You will need to approve the contracts before you can provide liquidity. Start by putting in a value of XBE greater than 0 and click the ‘Approve XBE’ button on the left screen as shown below. You will need to pay a gas fee when doing so.
Step 4) Once approved, you will be able to provide liquidity. Choose how much you would like to provide and click ‘Deposit’. Remember when providing liquidity, you will need equal amounts of each asset (i.e 50% of ETH and 50% of XBE).
Single sided liquidity provision contracts have also been released.
Step 5) Once you have provided liquidity, you will receive your corresponding amount of SushiSwap LP tokens. You will first need to approve the contract on the right screen as shown above. Put in a value of LP tokens that is greater than 0 and click the “Approve�? button.
Step 6) Once approved, you can choose how many LP tokens you would like to deposit or deposit all by clicking on the "Max" button. After you have clicked on the ‘Deposit’ button and the transaction has gone through, you will start earning XBE rewards. Please note you will be unable to earn XBE Sushi LP rewards without depositing your LP tokens.
(NB*) It is important to remember that when providing liquidity, your XBE LP rewards are automatically bonded and when claimed, will go through a 5-day unbonding period. During the unbonding process, the XBE is automatically staked and continues to earn staking and protocol rewards. You may have access to these rewards sooner (within the 5 days), however, you will be required to pay a 50% penalty for unbonding early. All penalties generated in this way are automatically distributed to stakers.

Option 2) Providing liquidity for XBE

Users can also provide liquidity using the Easy XBE page.
Step 1) Navigate to the "Easy XBE" page
Step 2) Scroll down to the "Start Earning Now" tab.
Step 3) Users can choose to provide liquidity with ETH only or to provide both assets (XBE/ETH). If you would like to provide liquidity with ETH only, choose how much ETH you would like to provide and click on the "Deposit and Stake". This will deposit your liquidity and stake your LP tokens all in one transaction. Alternatively, users can choose to provide liquidity with ETH and XBE.
Step 4) If you choose to provide liquidity with both assets, you will first need to approve the contract. Start by putting in a value of XBE greater than 0 and click the ‘Approve XBE’ button on the bottom screen as shown above. You will need to pay a gas fee when doing so.
Step 5) Once approved, you will be able to provide liquidity. Choose how much you would like to provide and click ‘Deposit’.
Step 5) Once you have provided liquidity, you will receive your corresponding amount of SushiSwap LP tokens. You will then need to go to the 'XBE and veXBE' page and stake your LP tokens using the provide liquidity tab.
Step 6) On the right screen shown above, choose how many LP tokens you would like to stake and click 'Deposit'. After you have clicked on the ‘Deposit’ button and the transaction has gone through, you will start earning XBE rewards.
Please note you will be unable to earn rewards without staking your LP tokens.