XBE Finance
How to claim Staking and LP rewards?

Claiming XBE Staking rewards

Option 1)

Step 1) Navigate to the "Claim" page of the app.
Step 2) If users have staked or locked up their XBE tokens, they will be able to claim their rewards by clicking on the "Claim Staking Rewards" button. Step 3) MetaMask will prompt you to confirm this by paying a gas fee. This will claim your XBE staking rewards directly to your wallet.

Option 2)

Another option to claim your staking rewards is through the "XBE & veXBE" tab. Step 1) Click on the "XBE & veXBE" tab, and scroll down to the "XBE rewards" section
Step 2) Users' can claim these rewards by clicking on the "Claim Staking Rewards" button.
Step 3) MetaMask will prompt you to confirm this by paying a gas fee. Once the transaction has gone through, you will see your XBE staking rewards in your wallet!

Claiming XBE LP rewards

Option 1)

Step 1) Navigate to the "Claim" page of the app.
Step 2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see the "Staked Sushi LP" tab.
Step 3) You can claim your XBE LP rewards by clicking on the "Claim" button Step 4) MetaMask will prompt you to confirm this by paying a gas fee.
(NB*) Please note that claiming XBE LP rewards will result in the XBE going through an unbonding process of 5 days. During this time, the XBE will automatically staked to further earn XBE staking rewards. You will then be able to claim these complementary staking rewards by following the guide at the top of this page.

Option 2)

Another option to claim your LP rewards is through the "XBE & veXBE" tab.
Step 1) Navigate to the "XBE & veXBE" page of the app.
Step 2) Scroll down to "XBE rewards" section of the page.
Step 3) You can claim your XBE LP rewards by clicking on the "Staked Sushi LP" button Step 4) MetaMask will prompt you to confirm this by paying a gas fee.
Step 5) Once you have clicked on the "Staked Sushi LP" button and the transaction has been approved by the network - you will see your XBE LP rewards going through an unbonding process as seen here:
Step 6) If after the 5 days you would like to unstake these rewards, you can click on the "Unstake" button at the bottom of the page. Alternatively you can leave these XBE staked OR lock them up for voting power and boosted rewards.
(NB*) Please note that LP rewards are automatically bonded and when claimed, will go through an unbonding process of 5 days. This means users will have to wait 5 days until they have access to their full claimable amount. These claimed XBE rewards will be automatically staked to further earn staking and protocol rewards. Users will be allowed to unstake these XBE during the 5 day unbonding period, however they will be required to pay a 50% penalty for doing so. All penalties generated in this way are automatically distributed to stakers.